
Today Was EPIC!

Okay okay, I know I haven't been writing for about a month or so but anyways....

So today was just an ordinary Friday...or was it?? So this morning....I was feeling soo lightheaded that i was so close to asking Mrs. PC if i can go home. But I didn't. So PE was pretty bad because we ran a mile and I was sick with my asthma kicking up, which totally made it worse. So anyways, I got a 10:30 mile time, which is 1 minute slower than my usual. Basketball was fun because I got to play with him for the first time in the unit. But I didn't have as much fun as I should've because of my asthma. Stupid asthma. Gurr. Anyways, in art, Lynna and I were planning the day out because today was the day that I was to ask him out to Sadies. So we took pictures because we were going to text him. So during lunch, we were planning on stealing his phone, yet he didn't bring it today, so that pretty much screwed the plan. So during bio/7th period, I was pretty bored, yet, also nervous becuase I knew that there was now freaking way that I was going to escape asking him today.

The Execution::
So right when the bell rang, I almost ran down the stairs of the bio building so that I could meet Lynna and Nick near the english building. Luckily, Patrick was talking with him and kinda walking over to where I was to meet Nick and Lynna. So that kinda made it easier. So after talking with friends, he came over and joined Nick, Lynna, Andrea, and Phuong, and me. So I was soo shaken up because I didn't know when or how to ask him then and there. For a second though, I was sooo ready to just let it go and then ask him on AIM or something later tonight. But that didn't happen. So after about 5 minutes or so of chatting, Nick and Lynna finally gave me menacing signs to "ask him!" So when Nick mouthed the words "ask him now," I turned to him and asked him...."will you go to Sadies with me?" in a shaky and scarred voice. Luckily, he said "yes" and I was happy! Although I didn't get a hug from him, I was still shaken up even an hour after I possed the question. But when I went back to the lockers, Sarah was there and I told her everything that had happened just now. So, everything is going great and now Sarah wants to ask "her guy" to Sadies now since I asked him. This was part of my plan too: to get Sarah to ask "her guy." But all in all, everything went somewhat according to plan, all thanks to Nick, Lynna, Phuong, and Andrea. Now.....if only I had something yummy to give them as a "thank you."

Tennis was great. I made it on the 18 advanced team so that was pretty cool. I kinda lost my breath a few times tonight, but all is good. Tomorrow, I'm looking foward to biking to Huntington Beach with my dad and hopefully collecting some bottles too, so that I can pay for Sadies. I'm sooooooooo happy!!!!

Till then.....