

Alright, here's another recap of events since the last time that i wrote, which was almost a month ago. Starting with Sadies....

Last saturday was Sadies!! It was the best kinda day that I could ever ask for -- I was with my friends, with the guy I liked, and I was as crazy as it could ever get. So, we had lunch/dinner at Pat and Oscars and took lotta pictures. We even asked one of the employees to take a group picture of us because there were sooo many of us.
So, after that, we walked over to the California Plaza, which btw, wasn't like i expected it to be because it was 100x better -- it was outdoors!! Since we were one of the first group of people to get there, we played the games that they had around like Jenga and Mancala. Jenga got pretty fun because we started playing dominoes with them instead of playing the game the right way. Also, the food was alright, though I must say, I did love the strawberries and the candy! xD Not only were we the first group to get there, but we were also the first group (w/couples) to take pictures. This is where it got fun because the photographer was sooo freaking picky to what our pictures looked like. I mean, why the hell does he care...it's not like he's getting a copy of them (unless he's a pedafile). So, the guy had to take almost 10 pictures before getting the right one because Nick, Phuong, and Patrick kept making me laugh, and when I laugh, it's hard for me to stop. So, the final picture did look pretty bad because...well yea. Anyways, the night was great because I was fluttering with excitement and nerves when they played the slow song because that was the first time ever that I danced with a guy sooo close. I mean, Patrick actually sandwiched Timmy and me together so that we were closer when we danced. xPP Besides dancing slow with my date, man oh man, was I crazy on the dancefloor or what. I was grinding against the group sooo much that Mr. Hoshi actually came up to me once and told me not to do it. xD It was so random and since it was not school, I said "forget him" and kept grinding on people. It was hilarious! So, around 9:30, we started taking pictures in the corner where they had the arch thing. It was sooo fun that we started getting more and more random/pervy with the pictures. But it was all good. Pat, Megan, and Timmy had to leave at 10 tho, and still, they didn't say bye to anyone before leaving. So after that, the party was nothing without the three of them, so I wasn't that crazy on the dancefloor as before. All was done for me when the 2nd and last slow song came along because I was dateless, which meant that I had no dance partner for that song. *sigh* So, I left just seconds before it was over because my parents had been waiting at the dance since 10 (which i was unaware of). Something, though, that was random is that after listening to "my kinda music," my parents started dancing and singing in the car-ride home to disco music! LOL

This week, though, was alright so far. Tomorrow is our rally and the freshman are "chocolate brown." ugh...I mean, why are we always stuck with the stupidest colors/themes. It's not fair. Oh well. Let's just hope that tomorrow's festivities will help get me out of this crappy mood that I'm in right now. Oh, btw, I did have a huge migrane the whole day yesterday, which was hell!

Till then....


Today Was EPIC!

Okay okay, I know I haven't been writing for about a month or so but anyways....

So today was just an ordinary Friday...or was it?? So this morning....I was feeling soo lightheaded that i was so close to asking Mrs. PC if i can go home. But I didn't. So PE was pretty bad because we ran a mile and I was sick with my asthma kicking up, which totally made it worse. So anyways, I got a 10:30 mile time, which is 1 minute slower than my usual. Basketball was fun because I got to play with him for the first time in the unit. But I didn't have as much fun as I should've because of my asthma. Stupid asthma. Gurr. Anyways, in art, Lynna and I were planning the day out because today was the day that I was to ask him out to Sadies. So we took pictures because we were going to text him. So during lunch, we were planning on stealing his phone, yet he didn't bring it today, so that pretty much screwed the plan. So during bio/7th period, I was pretty bored, yet, also nervous becuase I knew that there was now freaking way that I was going to escape asking him today.

The Execution::
So right when the bell rang, I almost ran down the stairs of the bio building so that I could meet Lynna and Nick near the english building. Luckily, Patrick was talking with him and kinda walking over to where I was to meet Nick and Lynna. So that kinda made it easier. So after talking with friends, he came over and joined Nick, Lynna, Andrea, and Phuong, and me. So I was soo shaken up because I didn't know when or how to ask him then and there. For a second though, I was sooo ready to just let it go and then ask him on AIM or something later tonight. But that didn't happen. So after about 5 minutes or so of chatting, Nick and Lynna finally gave me menacing signs to "ask him!" So when Nick mouthed the words "ask him now," I turned to him and asked him...."will you go to Sadies with me?" in a shaky and scarred voice. Luckily, he said "yes" and I was happy! Although I didn't get a hug from him, I was still shaken up even an hour after I possed the question. But when I went back to the lockers, Sarah was there and I told her everything that had happened just now. So, everything is going great and now Sarah wants to ask "her guy" to Sadies now since I asked him. This was part of my plan too: to get Sarah to ask "her guy." But all in all, everything went somewhat according to plan, all thanks to Nick, Lynna, Phuong, and Andrea. Now.....if only I had something yummy to give them as a "thank you."

Tennis was great. I made it on the 18 advanced team so that was pretty cool. I kinda lost my breath a few times tonight, but all is good. Tomorrow, I'm looking foward to biking to Huntington Beach with my dad and hopefully collecting some bottles too, so that I can pay for Sadies. I'm sooooooooo happy!!!!

Till then.....


Happinest Comes and Goes

I'll talk about yesterday at a later time.

Today was okay. I was sleepy most of the day, probably because I was out playing tennis last night. So I kinda overate today. :P Anyways, I totally wanted to sleep through the day, but I couldn't. In geometry, I freaked out for the first time in a while because I forgot that we had Cluster today. I thought it was tomorrow. Anyways, our new cluster teacher/sub, until Mrs. Groover gets back, is alright. She started to laugh and enjoyed some of the people when they were dancing in Cluster today.


I've Been USC-Fied

Well, to start things off, my dad woke me up around 10:30 today because we had to pick up my mom at 12. And I have no idea why he chose to wake me so early. Anyways, we picked up my mom and Starbucks on the way to LA. My dad wanted to check out the USC campus once again. So we went over there. I bought a #4 football jersey and he bought some stuff for his car. I was pretty disappointed when they didn't have any tennis stuff, oh..but they had freaking stuff for golf. Pwsh! Anyways, we toured the campus some more and saw many squirrels around campus and off. Then, we were supposed to go to Pasadena to check out the Rose Parade Floats, but it was 4 already and we wouldn't have been able to make it in time. So we went to Goldilocks instead, for a nice filipino dinner. :D So I was plump afterwards, and we went home.

When I got home, I searched the internet for the many colleges and what they all offer and all the information about them and such. So I searched USC, and they have a pretty good program over there. They offer courses on Marine Bio. and have a great tennis team, so I hope now, that I'll get into USC for college. Now....only thing is, how am I going to pay for it?? My mom and dad want me to get a tennis scholarship for USC so they won't have to hastle with school. Anyways, that's three years from now, so I'll worry about that later or sumtin.

Till then....


Yesterday is Tomorrow

Alright, well I meant this to be written yesterday, but I got carried away, so now I'm writing this in the dark comfort of my room. Okay, well as we all know, Thursday started off the new year. Last year, we had alot of surprises but most of all, we had Barack Obama elected as our 44th president. That was freaking awesome! So "yesterday is tomorrow!" pretty much.

I spent New Years Eve at my cousin's house in Cypress and around 10:00, we played around with my frisbee in the cold effin fog. But it was alright. After, we spent almost an hour talking about our past together and what we remember about the past and then we talked about the paranormal and all...in the freaking cold outside, in the dark fog. Eerie! Anyways, just in time, "the dark night" finished playing and we watched the NYE celebration take place in time square on the TV. And man oh man...I at 5 freaking servings of my aunt's Creme Brulee! Damn was it good or what! It's probably a surprise that I didn't celebrate NYE at Disneyland ;), but from micechat.com, people posted pictures of the NYE fireworks, which you couldn't even see because the fog was soo freaking thick. But the freaking park was packed too.

Anyways, thursday was an okay day. Just spent it at home with my family. I woke up at 6 or 8 i think, to watch the first-run of the Rose Parade, but after the first hour, I feel asleep because I went to sleep at 2 the previous day. But the rest of the day wasn't really interesting.

Today was an okay day too. I planned on going bike-riding as always, yet today was cold yet again, so I had to put on a sweater. ;) Finally! Anyways, the bikeride was alright. When I was at the GardenWalk, like always, I saw these 3 lady Japanese tourists with two Hollister bags each. Wowo! Talk about rich! Anyways, besides that, nothing interesting 'cept a freaking COP...come on a cop...didn't even stop at the corner for me even though the light was green and I was allowed to go. So I pretty much cussed the rest of the way home. Stupid cop! They should take away his freaking license. Anyways, after that, nothing big. I just went shopping in Buena Park with my mom for 3 hours when she came home.

Now...I really hate being a Libra. Look it up. Gurrr! How am I ever going to finish my homework in time. Ugh.

Okie Dokie....Late New Year's Resolutions
1) Be a better friend (:
2) Try to be more social
3) Act more mature around the immature --- :P
4) Add more music to iPod
5) Express my feelings in a more healthy way
6) Make new friendships and keep em strong
7) Make an effort to shut up when I need to
8) Stop being a Libra
9) Try to act more like a girl
10) Go to Disneyland more!!

Till then....