
Yesterday is Tomorrow

Alright, well I meant this to be written yesterday, but I got carried away, so now I'm writing this in the dark comfort of my room. Okay, well as we all know, Thursday started off the new year. Last year, we had alot of surprises but most of all, we had Barack Obama elected as our 44th president. That was freaking awesome! So "yesterday is tomorrow!" pretty much.

I spent New Years Eve at my cousin's house in Cypress and around 10:00, we played around with my frisbee in the cold effin fog. But it was alright. After, we spent almost an hour talking about our past together and what we remember about the past and then we talked about the paranormal and all...in the freaking cold outside, in the dark fog. Eerie! Anyways, just in time, "the dark night" finished playing and we watched the NYE celebration take place in time square on the TV. And man oh man...I at 5 freaking servings of my aunt's Creme Brulee! Damn was it good or what! It's probably a surprise that I didn't celebrate NYE at Disneyland ;), but from micechat.com, people posted pictures of the NYE fireworks, which you couldn't even see because the fog was soo freaking thick. But the freaking park was packed too.

Anyways, thursday was an okay day. Just spent it at home with my family. I woke up at 6 or 8 i think, to watch the first-run of the Rose Parade, but after the first hour, I feel asleep because I went to sleep at 2 the previous day. But the rest of the day wasn't really interesting.

Today was an okay day too. I planned on going bike-riding as always, yet today was cold yet again, so I had to put on a sweater. ;) Finally! Anyways, the bikeride was alright. When I was at the GardenWalk, like always, I saw these 3 lady Japanese tourists with two Hollister bags each. Wowo! Talk about rich! Anyways, besides that, nothing interesting 'cept a freaking COP...come on a cop...didn't even stop at the corner for me even though the light was green and I was allowed to go. So I pretty much cussed the rest of the way home. Stupid cop! They should take away his freaking license. Anyways, after that, nothing big. I just went shopping in Buena Park with my mom for 3 hours when she came home.

Now...I really hate being a Libra. Look it up. Gurrr! How am I ever going to finish my homework in time. Ugh.

Okie Dokie....Late New Year's Resolutions
1) Be a better friend (:
2) Try to be more social
3) Act more mature around the immature --- :P
4) Add more music to iPod
5) Express my feelings in a more healthy way
6) Make new friendships and keep em strong
7) Make an effort to shut up when I need to
8) Stop being a Libra
9) Try to act more like a girl
10) Go to Disneyland more!!

Till then....