Yesterday: to sum it up, went to The Grove in LA (had first taste of alligator), did a little sight-seeing in LA (glanced down rodeo drive), saw uncle in hospital..again (he's getting better), and then went bowling at midnight at linbrook lanes. But to sum up the whole day, let's just go with food and eating food and everything to do with food. I mean, every hour, I was like, "mom, I'm hungry.." So I got my food intake to the max yesterday.
Today was different. It was slower, and filled with less fun. So this morning, I went to church again to volunteer at the sunday school. I was having way more fun helping out today than last week. After that, my parents and I went to the block for some shopping. I finally got some boots and then we had some lunch at rubios. After that, my mom and I went to Huntington Beach as always, and then went to the tennis courts so that I could practice for tomorrow's game against Whitney (weather permitting).
I'm soo glad that we added an hour to the day today, now I get to sleep in a little before school tomorrow.
I feel like I'm catching a cold right now, but let's hope not.
Till Then....