
It's So Wonderful

Halloween was fun..everyone liked my costuem, so I was in a happy mod today. I've been really tired the whole day and I need to get some rest. So I'll finish editing this post at a later time.

Till Then....


My Laziness Wins, While I Suffer

First of all, my day was full of boredum. Health test was pretty easy, I actually studied. No wonder. After that, English was boring as always. At least now, we get to read about Odysseus and the Cyclops. Geometry was okay I guess. I thought that the test was pretty easy this time, but I think I failed, again, because I forgot all about it. But it was fun in the end because I got to doodle on the back of my test sheet. So I decided to draw Zero from The Nightmare Before Christmas and fireworks above a castle. The activity that we did after the test was pretty fun considering that it dealt with angles again. Lunch was boring. Cluster was fun because we got to pig out on sweets and chips and soda. Not many people liked my buscuits, but who cares, let them think of whatever they want. During enrichment though, it was soooo boring to take the first exam for Nguyen's class. I totally forgot what those sections were about so I pretty much wrote down random crap to study with. Let's just hope that I got a good enough grade to pass the test.

It was fun pigging out on some ice-cream after school..although I've done worse to my body before. I just went twice so that I wasn't all that sick when tennis practice came around. And man oh man, did I feel heavier than ever while running my 1/2 mile. Overall, tennis was great and peaceful. And fun. Jessica was the first person ever that trusted me to hold up her weight while she stood on my quadriceps. It was awesome as always too because of all my retardedness. And Mr. Chang finally had us do something useful...he helped up with our swings and footwork. Still pretty bad, but I guess it will help a bit.......especially when we crush Whitney on Monday...I hope. Still in the process of deciding who will win.

Well, tomorrow is Halloween so I'm coming to school as something random, but deals with me (disney, tennis, karate..etc. might be one of them). So keep an eye out for me. Let's just hope that my costume wins it all during the costume contest during lunch tomorrow.

Oh and I finally finished carving my pumpkins at around 9:15. Haha, I carved Jack Skellington and Goofy into the two pumpkins. I was pretty satisfied when I was done. If you wanna see how they turned out, let me know and I'll send you a picture.

Till Then....


Fly to the Sky

First off, since about half of the Freshmen left for chior today, the classes up to 6th period were very small. Health was actually fun for the first time. We played jeopardy, which was okay I guess to review for the test. No biggie if you are reading this, and was in chior, nothing was really missed that you could do at home. So my team, the "Hoes," won over the "Heys", so we each got 2 extra credit points on our test grade. Pretty cool, i guess. English was soooooo freakin boring. I was ready to fall asleep, if it hadn't been for the thoughts of the future. Anyways, we just read up on the Odyssey and took boring notes. Geometry was pretty awesome because more than half of the class was there, so I was actually able to finish my homework/classwrok in class today, and I even got an "OK" on it. Yay! Anyways, after that, we were just talking and then all of a sudden, there was this big wave of orange that came through the door about 20 minutes or so before the bell rang. Anyways, nothing really worth recalling after that, although the 15 minutes that I was in cluster was pretty cool...we go to do some brainteasers! Woohoo! Haha..anyways, tennis was pretty crummy.

So I was playing #1 Doubles today because we were playing Sage Hill. So I lost against #1 (2-6), #2 (3-6) and i can't even begin to think that we lost to their freakin #3 doubles (1-6). Ugh. Mr. Chang was sooo mad at Michelle and I because our #2 and #3 doubles won against Sage's #3. I felt like a complete idiot when I shook their hands. Oh well, just another match down and then tomorrow is our last game for the regular season, and it's against Whitney at where ever they play at. So hopefully, we will be able to do better than what we beat them by last time (14-4). Otherwise, Mr. Chang is probably going to have us do suicides for the rest of the season and through CIF practices. Ugh. Oh well, I'm just even happy that we are even going to CIF this year. Haha, no one knows how happy this makes me feel to be a Freshmen on the Varsity Tennis Team at Oxford, going to CIF my first year. Yay!

All I gotta do is just keep focused and work and improve my backhand more so that I'll be playing better next year.

Halloween is coming up, and I still don't know what to wear to school, but I have a pretty good idea, I think. Oh well, if I don't, it's alright.

For next month, I wanna go to Disneyland with some friends, but not sure if I or them could do that next month....maybe the weekend of Thanksgiving. Who knows? Anyways, all I gotta do right now is just get through life. Still thinking of wheter or not I should go to MORP. I'm in the process and very close to making a decision, so hopefully I'll see you there. If not, then I hope you had fun at Morp.

Till Then.....


Trying Out New Things

To start it off, Friday was pretty fun..considering that we totally got creamed by St. Margaret's 1-17, but it's all good. I was happy because Michelle and I won against their #3 double team 6-2. Umm, yesterday was kinda boring. It was full of homework and staying at home anyways. The only highlight of saturday was that I had dinner at this Asian buffet in Garden Grove that my parents and I go to alot. It was their anniversary anyways, so it was awesome. And then I must be really nerdy or just really needy considering how long I waited to eat a plate of crab legs. Let's just say, oh..about an hour. Anyways, each bite was savored because those freakin things go by so fast once they come out.

Today was fun..I was tired though, but it was fun. So I volunteered at my church's sunday school as a teacher helper. And man oh man..were those kids hard to control or what. I made a vow today that I am never going to have boys when I plan on having children. They're just too destructive. Besides that, umm..my parents and I went to this meeting/banquet for the small number of volunteers there were today. And there was a raffle for 3 tickets to either DCA or Disneyland for one day, and guess what....my dad won. This means that I probably going to Disneyland within the next month or so. I was sooo happy when they called his number.

After church, my parents and I drove down to the Embassy Suites Hotel in Garden Grove and attended a small Disneyana show that was held there today. I was able to buy a Sorcerer Mickey figurine that I've been wanting for a while and a SM key chain from WDI. And I was so amazed on how many different things people collected from Disneyland's first years in business that are totally worth something now, whether its $10 or $10000.

About 2 hours later, the three of us went to the dog park in Costa Mesa. And this stupid chihuahua kept humping my dog. What a perv. And the stupid dog must've been gay or something because it was also a male. Eww. Anyways, nothing exciting happened after that until dinner came around.

We went to this one church in Arteisa that was having their annual Octoberfest. There were games and rides, but they were pretty crappy. And then my dad's boss was performing on stage with his band, so we listened to them a little. And then we had overpriced filipino food for dinner. Stupid people charged me $2 for a bowl of noodles. So cheap..ugh. And then I couldn't believe how many filipino people there were at the festival. And how many filipinos try to look and act all ganster. Whatever. I can do that too, but I choose not to.

Anyways, in the end, I'm just here thinking about Peanut and all the things that we have been talking about tonight. Hopefully, this week at school will be interesting. Tuesday, varisty tennis has an away game at Balboa Bay Club against Sage Hill and then Wednesday, we're playing Whitney at where ever they play at, and then Friday is Halloween, so we should have fun dressing up at school.

Till then....


My Odyssey

So since I didn't write yesterday, I'm gonna recap briefly. So PE was pretty boring since we did nothing but play ultimate frisbee, well it might have been fun because I got to play with Peanut but not really interesting. Nothing much except for what happened after school...so as Andrea and I were walking down stairs, Peanut was there with one of his friends. So after talking to them, Peanut and I finally shared our first hug. I felt really fuzzy inside after that and I could not stop thinking about it.....

Okay..so today was boring like always. Health the same and then English test was okay and actually...pretty easy to take. I kept glancing at Peanut and then in Geometry, we spent the whole freakin period just correcting yesterday's homework. I did get a few peeks now and then from Peanut. And the assembly was okay, but I kept getting kicked from the back from Dominique...soo annoying. Anyways, tennis was great. I am going to be playing #1 doubles for the first time with Michelle, only because we are playing St. Margaret's tomorrow and that we really wanna win more games than last time we played them. Don't forget to be there because it is a home game.

Till then....


Tunes in My Head

Not really interesting, 'cept when I looked at him, when I talked to him, when I longed for him, when I missed him. So English was purtty fun..I got to talk to him a bit and that made my day better. Geometry, I envied him for being ahead of me in the homework. And then cluster was okay, althogh I was only there for 15 minutes. Mrs Groover told me that I was even more dorkier this year than in 7th grade....umm..is that a good thing?

Tennis was great..I got to play ping-pong at the Seal Beach Tennis Club, where we totally crushed Bretheren Christian (18-0). And I was pretty happy because I swept (6-0) for all three of my games. And them, while sum of the girls were playing ping-pong, I pretended I was ganster. Woohoo! OG! Took pictures and all and even in the bus. I tried sleeping on the way back to Oxford, but it was too close to SBTC that I just rested.

And then I had to take the public bus home..so I walked to Valley View and then there was this really weird guy there. I thought that he was mental, but after he talked to me, he was more normal than I had expected.

Not much fun after that. This friday, girls varsity tennis has a HOME game against St. Margarets. Be there to wish us luck!

Till then....



I glance at him, he smiles back, but no one knows how it hurts to see him through my eyes which makes me feel like a jerk...I love you truly but you gotta know, that I mean it so much that I gotta go..


All You Need Is Love

Okay..so this morning I woke up 'bout 8:30 so that I cud ride with my mom and brother to UCLA to see my uncle at the Ronald Regan Hospital that they have over there. Before we got onto the freeway, we stopped by 99 Ranch Market to get some pears for him..but it sounds harder that it looks. Trust me, there was way more than just one asain pear. People just don't know when to stop cross-pregnating the stupid pears..I mean there was about 15 different kinds of pears in the store! So to be safe, my mom chose 5 different ones, so we were bound to buy the right one. When we got there, my uncle was in the hospital bed, pale. He was feeling better tho, but he was hooked up to this machine that monitors his heartbeats. And everytime his heart would beat abnormally, it would start beaping, so I started beaping myself..metaphorically of course. After that, we went down the street to In-And-Out for some lunch and then went to Diddy Rieces for some custom ice-cream sandwiches..which of course were totally good tasting. And then on the way back to the hospital, I saw some police people interrogating this guy and his wife (bums I think) and then the cops took them away.

We went to the hospital to say goodbye and then headed to Wesminster for some platform shoe shopping at the asain mall. So at one of the stores, my aunt was trying to make a deal with the saleslady..my aunt offered her $150 for 5 pairs of shoes, but if that wasn't enough for you, the saleslady kept trying to mark up the price. So about 15 minutes later of arguing, the lady took $125 for three pairs of shoes, which of course was a total ripoff. But you can't argue with the great show that my aunt put on with the saleslady.

After that, the rest of the day was pretty boring. I stayed home, finishing the CHOC shirts for tomorrow's CHOC Walk at Disneyland. So that means that I get to wake up at 5:00am and then walk to Disneyland and then be at the entrance of the park by 6 or 6:30am. Nothing big at home.

The only thing that I look foward to this weekend is the CHOC Walk tomorrow morning and then maybe pin trading at the Disneyland hotel and then some clothes shopping at the mall with my mom. And then next week, I gots two games, Tuesday and Friday, and then the same thing for the week after that. So my last days of this year's October should be fun...I hope.

Till then.....


Come Sail Away With Me....

Haven't written for the past three days...! Ah! Okay so to fill you in..nothing big. Yesterday, varsity tennis lost to Sage Hill 6-12, but I was pretty happy/surprised..i guess. Because I got to see two of my old friends from ATC. Yesterday, we finished supersize me in health, but nothing too interesting.

Today was pretty average. French was boring like always..umm..PE was alrite. The guy that I liked was being weird and played with my hair..random. And the road run mile thing was okay..I would prefer that rather than run around in circles for four times. I got 9:11 for my time..so weird. Ultimate Frisbee was pretty bad. My team still hasn't won a game in ages yet, but things will soon turn around..you hear me? I said soon things will turn around! Muahaha! .........sorry about that random moment. Then Art was okay..because Laura and I were just discussing which of her pictures that she brought in was better. So she picked the second one because I accidentaly splattered a little water on it and so now it looks like the guy has a nose bleed. And then we were sad when we had to mark lines through the people's faces. Anyways...biology was boring..again..and I'm really screwed for that class all because of tennis games. After that, the game against CVC was pretty easily. We won 16-2.

I was pretty mad at myself after the game because I lost to their #1 which I totally knew I could have won 6-0. Ugh...oh well..there's always next year. But their team is pretty cool..u know, the players are..because they're all foreign-exchange students..and I think that all of them are from Germany. Pretty interesting.

When I got home, I had a mexican themed dinner with my mom at home...we had tamales, homemade guac, salsa, and chips. And then, around 9:00, I went with my mom to walk my dog, supposedly around the block, but then I told her that we should watch the Disneyland fireworks instead on top of the Anaheim Convention Center parking structure...so she agreed and we went up there instead. We did have to wait about 15 minutes, but its was alrite. But on the way up to the top floor, there was this random p*** magazine just lying there on the stairs, with pages ripped out. And to make things even more mysterious, there was a pair of headphones lying on the top flight of stairs...so the first thing that came to my mind is that there was probably some homeless dude living somewhere in the parking structure during nights or something. But in the end, the fireworks were a nice break from the outside world.

Can't wait till next week...and the week after. So many things to do.

Till then....

P.S. I just realized that the part of the sky where the sun sets is brighter at night that the side where the moon rises.

P.S.S One more thing, I just can't figure out why he keeps staring at me when I'm not looking and then when he does, he doesn't admit that he searches me out.


Another For the Team

Alrighty..so the only thing big that happened today was the fact that we won the tennis game against Whittney..our so called "rivals." Funny thing happened today...so while I was playing one of my points, Danny Martinez just randomly calls out, "wow, people are so nice to their rivals." I almost started laughing. I don't know exactly why it was funny but anyways. Since it was Senior night, lots of people were there, but I was surprised that no Freshmen were there...not even to get free chips. I don't get that. Anyways, i won my game against their #2 (6-3), lost to their #1 (0-6), and won against their #3 (6-4). Pretty awesome. But nothing fun after that.

We do have a game on Thursday against Sage Hill and on Friday against Capo Valley Christian...I think. Not sure yet. But it is all good.. I think we are now 11-2 in the league. So hopefully we'll beat Sage Hill.

I don't think that there is anything worth looking foward to this week or next. Although on Halloween, I'm coming to school as something..but you are going to have to look me up for the answer to that.

It's late and I'm tired as whatever...so Ima go to sleep.

Till then....



Well this weekend was a total waste, 'cept for Friday and Sunday. So, Friday was my mom's birthday and so she brought some food over to La Mirada for our tennis match against Whittier Christian..we won 11-7 btw. And then we had enough time to go home and take a shower and then go to Disneyland for Mickey's Halloween Treat at DCA. It was pretty fun there, but getting there was such a pain in the butt because the Disneyland/Ball intersection light was not working so the police people had to direct traffic. So it took my mom and I about 20 minutes to get to the parking structure. Although it was worth it..I guess..there was so much candy though but the lines for the rides were fairly short. And then..I got home at 12:30.
So..nothing interesting on Saturday..except doing some homework. And then Sunday was very intersting. To sum it up, I went to irvine, had lunch with my brother after dropping off some donation money for CHOC, ate PinkBerry, went to the animal shelter, went to Huntington Beach..like any other week, and then went to the Doggy Park in Costa Mesa. This is where things got interesting. So.. when my mom and I and my doggy got there, we let him go and then almost immediately, we see another papillon running around the park. And then the owner of the beautiful dog was talking on the phone, and had these random white dress shoes and a tight t-shirt and some jeans and the weird haircut that gives his sexuality away.....he was GAY. I mean there is nothing wrong with that..its just that my mom totally pointed that out to me, although I already could tell. And about 5 minutes later, his boyfriend..i guess..came to the dog park and was chatting with the guy. And then they started asking questions about my dog. And that was pretty fun.

Nothing big today, 'cept tennis practice was a total waste..maybe..because it was windy, but i guess it sorta got us ready for tomorrow...no suicides either. And so tomorrow's game is HOME against our rival WHITTNEY..and it's senior night too! So be there..please? And I also have a game on Thursday and Friday..so that should be a fun way to end my day.

Let's hope for a win..

Till then.....



To sum it up in one word, boring..except for tennis practice. Okay..so health was so boring that I don't even remember what happened during class. English was okay, I guess, because we had "writer's workshop." Whoopee! And geometry went by pretty fast today and I even got extra credit points on my homework since I wrote something up on the board. Yay me!

And then the rally came. ugh..waste of time...kinda. It was fun and all, just listening to the sophores, but the freshmen class..come on..we were soo lame today, most of all because we were pretty darn quiet when we should've been really loud. Oh well..can't blame everyone..because it was, I suppose, our "first" high school rally. The theme was awesome (Olympics) and the games were okay. But I really disliked the part where they played Twister with all the yucky food condiments and jello, aka "wrestling." I mean, it was fun seeing the people get messy with the food, but personally, I just don't like the smell of ketchup and mustard, especially after it gets on your clothes, which happened to day...ugh. Since the sophmore class one, their class rep. was soo happy that he just flung his arms out, with all the food still on them, in the air. And then some of the ketchup came towards the area where I was sitting...ugh. Most of it got onto Timothy's shirt, but some of it went on my shirt and my hat. But I'm glad none went onto my hair, unlike some people around me. I was so disgusted after that.

It all came down to tennis practice, where once again, I was making a fool out of myself so much that practically every point, I was laughing with Rachel (senior) during our "for-fun" doubles match. It was awesome though..although I don't remember much of what I had said then. But all will be good once tomorrow comes around. Because we get to play Whittier Christian in La Mirada..on my mom's birthday! Woohoo! And then after that, my family and I are going to Disneyland's special Halloween event to celebrate! Ima be so happy tomorrow.

Hopefully, we will beat Whittier Christian and continue our winning streak..9-2..kinda. But all is going well.

Till then....


Opposites Attract

Today was opposite day!! And I was pretending to be a poser skater guy.. but i sucked at it. Oh well..and even Lynna looked better than I did, just because she borrowed my had for 2 minutes. Health was okay..we watched some of Super Size Me..but nothing big. And then English was quiet today because no one knew the answer to the questions that Mrs. Taylor was asking or maybe they did, but they were just shy (Yvonne). And even Mrs. Taylor was sporting a new look for today..maybe a punky gothy princess. idk. dont ask me. Jee-a-Ma-Tree was boring..too much work. But lunch was cool and all, ibrahim dressed like a real nerd and some other pplz did too but I'm soo forgetful that I left my camcorder/camera at home. Oh well..I still have three more days to do so. And then I got to leave cluster early for an hour drive to San Clemente. We lost 2-16 (I and a doubles team won the two matches). And I was soo tired today that I slept both on the way there and back. Anyways, the bus ride went by fast because we're always talking bout something interesting on the bus. And then I had pho again for PHO TUESDAY!! Nothing big.

I look foward to this Friday..since it's my mom's birthday, my parents, I, my brothers and their girlfriends get to go to Mickey's Halloween Treat at DCA. And then I look foward to the 3 day weekend. Woohoo! No school on monday. And then to the weekend after that because my nephew is coming over for a visit for the weekend and it's also the weekend of the CHOC Walk at the Disneyland Resort! So I should be having lots of fun during October.

I still think of the one that I love..and hope for the day when all things change for the better...i hope.

Till then....


Double the Happiness..or is it?

So this morning was boring because I was stuck at home cleaning up the house with my mom, but it got interesting later on. So I was out most of the day..I went to the dog park, huntington beach, and michaels. Nothing interesting at the dog park except doggy stuff, but michaels was pretty fun..i was able to buy supplies to create shirts for the CHOC walk in two weeks. I hope it looks as good as the sketch picture. Which reminds me, I still can't get over how good my picture of Sorcerer Mickey looks after I painted it..I'll even show you people if you ask...other than that, nothing interesting. until...

Okay..so the days that I take the 5 freeway home, I always use Disneyland Dr. to get home because it is the fastest. So today when my mom and I were on our way home from Wal Mart, there was a long line of cars that stretched from the Disneyland parking structure to the freeway entrance/exit. And then I was puzzled at first, but then I realized/remembered that Miley Cyrus was celebrating her sweet 16 at Disneyland from 6-11pm that night (this was around 4:30 tho). What a stupid idea to do such a thing. I can't believe that she even kicked out the gay people that go to Disneyland/DCA every year. Such a jerk. Anyways, we had to make an illegal turn so that we could get home in time, otherwise we would still be there.

Other than that, the rest of my day was bored as hell. But I did get a present for Johnny's Birthday today, but its going to be a late one because he is getting it tomorrow. Anyways, I do look foward to Tuesday, when I get to leave school real early so that varsity tennis can play St. Margaret's in Laguna Niguel. Soooo far away. Let's just hope that I don't get bageled again. So embarassing...

I'm really tired so I must go to sleep. Goodnight!

Till then........



It was pretty boring today..until my mom came home, but i'll talk about that later. For a start, I woke up at around 12:00pm because I needed to make up for the loss of sleep during the week. So I still thought that it was 10 am or something since the sun wasn't up. And then i played on my brother's new star wars game on his wii for about two hours. And then i was a good little girl and did some of my homework. All i need to do now is the essay for Taylor. Yay me!!

When my mom got home, she asked if I wanted to see a movie tonight..and of course, I said yes. So my parents and I went to the Krikorean movie theaters in Buena Park to watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua. I would give it a 10/10 because it was a pretty cute movie. Cute enough that I would see it again if anyone wanted to see it.

Right now, I just noticed that it was the first day that the weather actually got really cold, just in time for autumn. And I am really happy that I now have a good enough reason to wear a jacket when i go outside.

Oh and tomorrow is Johnny's only 14th birthday, so wish him a good one tomorrow or Monday.

"You are the sun that warms my Earth..." I love you!


A Day of Wastfullness

Nothin' really important to put in here today..just that i got 27 hits against the gym for the volleyball test = A!! And then Lucas' serve hit Gauri's forehead (accidentally), which caused total brain damage. xD Art was okay...not really interesting, although I did get to draw on the sidewalk with chalk pastels, and of course, i drew Mickey..go figure. And then Bio was fun, although I didn't exactly spend it in Mr. Nguyen's room...since I wasn't there (tennis) on tueday to take the test, Lauren and I went into Mr. Stevens' room and "studied"/talked for 45 minutes...then we helped Mr. Stevens' set up the 8th graders' flubber lab stuff, which took up the rest of the period. So we pretty much wasted the period, but oh well..it was just studying for the Bio test.

Tennis was okay..i guess. Although we didn't have to do suicides today. :D And since tomorrow is a minimum/game day, the team mite go somewhere to eat (dont know where yet) and then come back in time to crush Bretheren Christian. No..but really..tomorrow should be fun too because it is Friday and it is free dress day.

My day was kinda tiring because I was at Oxford for about 12 hours straight. This is because I didn't go home after school because of tennis practice, which didn't end till 5:30 and then i got free spagetti dinner from Gauri, and that I had to stay with my mom and help her go to my classes during Back To School Night..ugh..I even fell asleep for like 10 minutes while doing homework.

The only thing keeping me alive today is the excitement going through my head right now, because of what's happening next Friday, and the thought of events happening tomorrow.

Till then.......


Barren with Freedom

Alright, here it is..usually during English class, the guy that i like and i sometimes talk and w/e, but idk..today was just different. After telling him the truth yesterday, and after totally admitting to myself that i was such a total idiot to do such a thing, i've seem to think different of the idea. Like, i before, i would always try to get his attention, whether it was doing something stupid or just trying to act cool about it. But now, it's like i see him and im like..okay..whatever, he's there. Its probly just hormones, but idk. Although, rite now, it does seem that a weight has just been lifted off of my shoulder. And anyways, he wanted to know who i like (stupid me for putting the message in my aim thing). But anyways, I feel free rite now and i can make my own choices, whether it is for the best or just for more hell.

Right now, i am free but in the phase of confusion. Please help me make decisions.

Cluster was great because we were discussing spirit week and what we're all going to do. So, for monday, the eight people that were on the losing dodgeball tournament team for groover will be octuplets for the day. You just have to look out for us on monday... And then, since tuesday is opposite day, Ibrahim suggested that i dress like a girl for once. :P Oh well, i really dont know what to do on that day. Maybe i will dress like a girly girl or just might go emo for a day..who knows. Anyways, and then we were talking about who Dominique might take to winter formal.. so i suggested that he invite Chang to go with him..because that would totally work out for the both of them...haha.. Nothing big tho. I kind slept, kinda didn't.

Although the game against Whittney was postponed to i dont know, varsity tennis does have a game against Bretheren Christian at Oxford on Friday..Be there!!

And I look foward to next Friday, October 10, because of alot of reasons:
1) My mom's birthday
2) Varsity game at Oxford against Sage Hill (please support us so we dont lose to them)
3) Mickey's Halloween Treat at DCA (....i know what you all are going to say about this one)
4) Guy installs AT&T DVR thing
5) Freshmen Movie Night (sry friends, but i can't come..don't you see the things above!?!?)

Till then.....