
All You Need Is Love

Okay..so this morning I woke up 'bout 8:30 so that I cud ride with my mom and brother to UCLA to see my uncle at the Ronald Regan Hospital that they have over there. Before we got onto the freeway, we stopped by 99 Ranch Market to get some pears for him..but it sounds harder that it looks. Trust me, there was way more than just one asain pear. People just don't know when to stop cross-pregnating the stupid pears..I mean there was about 15 different kinds of pears in the store! So to be safe, my mom chose 5 different ones, so we were bound to buy the right one. When we got there, my uncle was in the hospital bed, pale. He was feeling better tho, but he was hooked up to this machine that monitors his heartbeats. And everytime his heart would beat abnormally, it would start beaping, so I started beaping myself..metaphorically of course. After that, we went down the street to In-And-Out for some lunch and then went to Diddy Rieces for some custom ice-cream sandwiches..which of course were totally good tasting. And then on the way back to the hospital, I saw some police people interrogating this guy and his wife (bums I think) and then the cops took them away.

We went to the hospital to say goodbye and then headed to Wesminster for some platform shoe shopping at the asain mall. So at one of the stores, my aunt was trying to make a deal with the saleslady..my aunt offered her $150 for 5 pairs of shoes, but if that wasn't enough for you, the saleslady kept trying to mark up the price. So about 15 minutes later of arguing, the lady took $125 for three pairs of shoes, which of course was a total ripoff. But you can't argue with the great show that my aunt put on with the saleslady.

After that, the rest of the day was pretty boring. I stayed home, finishing the CHOC shirts for tomorrow's CHOC Walk at Disneyland. So that means that I get to wake up at 5:00am and then walk to Disneyland and then be at the entrance of the park by 6 or 6:30am. Nothing big at home.

The only thing that I look foward to this weekend is the CHOC Walk tomorrow morning and then maybe pin trading at the Disneyland hotel and then some clothes shopping at the mall with my mom. And then next week, I gots two games, Tuesday and Friday, and then the same thing for the week after that. So my last days of this year's October should be fun...I hope.

Till then.....