
A Day of Wastfullness

Nothin' really important to put in here today..just that i got 27 hits against the gym for the volleyball test = A!! And then Lucas' serve hit Gauri's forehead (accidentally), which caused total brain damage. xD Art was okay...not really interesting, although I did get to draw on the sidewalk with chalk pastels, and of course, i drew Mickey..go figure. And then Bio was fun, although I didn't exactly spend it in Mr. Nguyen's room...since I wasn't there (tennis) on tueday to take the test, Lauren and I went into Mr. Stevens' room and "studied"/talked for 45 minutes...then we helped Mr. Stevens' set up the 8th graders' flubber lab stuff, which took up the rest of the period. So we pretty much wasted the period, but oh well..it was just studying for the Bio test.

Tennis was okay..i guess. Although we didn't have to do suicides today. :D And since tomorrow is a minimum/game day, the team mite go somewhere to eat (dont know where yet) and then come back in time to crush Bretheren Christian. No..but really..tomorrow should be fun too because it is Friday and it is free dress day.

My day was kinda tiring because I was at Oxford for about 12 hours straight. This is because I didn't go home after school because of tennis practice, which didn't end till 5:30 and then i got free spagetti dinner from Gauri, and that I had to stay with my mom and help her go to my classes during Back To School Night..ugh..I even fell asleep for like 10 minutes while doing homework.

The only thing keeping me alive today is the excitement going through my head right now, because of what's happening next Friday, and the thought of events happening tomorrow.

Till then.......