
Barren with Freedom

Alright, here it is..usually during English class, the guy that i like and i sometimes talk and w/e, but idk..today was just different. After telling him the truth yesterday, and after totally admitting to myself that i was such a total idiot to do such a thing, i've seem to think different of the idea. Like, i before, i would always try to get his attention, whether it was doing something stupid or just trying to act cool about it. But now, it's like i see him and im like..okay..whatever, he's there. Its probly just hormones, but idk. Although, rite now, it does seem that a weight has just been lifted off of my shoulder. And anyways, he wanted to know who i like (stupid me for putting the message in my aim thing). But anyways, I feel free rite now and i can make my own choices, whether it is for the best or just for more hell.

Right now, i am free but in the phase of confusion. Please help me make decisions.

Cluster was great because we were discussing spirit week and what we're all going to do. So, for monday, the eight people that were on the losing dodgeball tournament team for groover will be octuplets for the day. You just have to look out for us on monday... And then, since tuesday is opposite day, Ibrahim suggested that i dress like a girl for once. :P Oh well, i really dont know what to do on that day. Maybe i will dress like a girly girl or just might go emo for a day..who knows. Anyways, and then we were talking about who Dominique might take to winter formal.. so i suggested that he invite Chang to go with him..because that would totally work out for the both of them...haha.. Nothing big tho. I kind slept, kinda didn't.

Although the game against Whittney was postponed to i dont know, varsity tennis does have a game against Bretheren Christian at Oxford on Friday..Be there!!

And I look foward to next Friday, October 10, because of alot of reasons:
1) My mom's birthday
2) Varsity game at Oxford against Sage Hill (please support us so we dont lose to them)
3) Mickey's Halloween Treat at DCA (....i know what you all are going to say about this one)
4) Guy installs AT&T DVR thing
5) Freshmen Movie Night (sry friends, but i can't come..don't you see the things above!?!?)

Till then.....